Банковский вклад
Денежные средства, хранящиеся на депозите в коммерческом или сберегательном банке. Банковские вклады бывают двух видов: вклады до востребования (demand/sight deposit) (см. Current account 2), с которых можно снять денежные средства по первому требованию, и срочные вклады (time deposit) (см. Deposit account), средства с которых можно изъять только после предварительного уведомления. Текущие счета представляют собой ликвидные активы, которые используются для финансирования текущих операций и проведения регулярных платежей, в то время как срочные счета служат для сбережений и покрытия непредвиденных расходов. См. Bank deposit creation, Monetary policy.

Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. — М.: Флинта, Наукa. . 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "BANK DEPOSIT" в других словарях:

  • bank deposit — UK US noun BANKING ► [C] an amount of money that is put into a bank account: »Payment is required in advance either by cash, check, or a bank deposit. ► [plural] all the money that has been put into one banks or all the banks in a particular area …   Financial and business terms

  • bank deposit — noun money deposited in a bank or some similar institution • Syn: ↑deposit • Derivationally related forms: ↑deposit (for: ↑deposit) • Hypernyms: ↑fund, ↑monetary fund …   Useful english dictionary

  • bank deposit — A contractual relationship ensuing from the delivery, by one known as the depositor, of money, funds, or even things into the possession of the bank, which receives the same upon the agreement to pay, repay, or return, upon the order or demand of …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • bank deposit — A sum of money placed by a customer with a bank. The deposit may or may not attract interest and may be instantly accessible or accessible at a time agreed by the two parties. Banks may use a percentage of their customers deposits to lend on to… …   Accounting dictionary

  • bank deposit — A sum of money placed by a customer with a bank. The deposit may or may not attract interest and may be instantly accessible or accessible at a time agreed by the two parties. Banks may use a percentage of their customers deposits to lend on to… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • bank deposit — money placed in a bank against which the depositor can withdraw under prescribed conditions. [1825 35] * * * …   Universalium

  • bank deposit — money placed in a bank account …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bank deposit insurance — noun : the insurance of deposit accounts up to $10,000 (formerly up to $5000) in banks in the United States that belong to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation * * * the protection of bank deposits against the insolvency of banks in the U.S …   Useful english dictionary

  • bank deposit insurance — the protection of bank deposits against the insolvency of banks in the U.S., up to a specified maximum per account that is revised periodically, under special insurance through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. * * * …   Universalium

  • deposit — de·pos·it 1 /di pä zət/ vt 1: to place for safekeeping or as security may deposit the property with the court; esp: to put in a bank account 2 in the civil law of Louisiana: to place (movable property) under a deposit the depository can not make… …   Law dictionary

  • bank — / baŋk/ n: an organization for the custody, loan, or exchange of money, for the extension of credit, and for facilitating the transmission of funds branch bank: a banking facility that is a separate but dependent part of a chartered bank; esp: a… …   Law dictionary

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